Laine Insurance
Serving Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas

Renters Insurance in Colorado
Insurance is something that protects against a possible eventuality. It’s the payment of a premium in return for compensation for loss, illness, damage, or death, according to the Oxford Dictionary. Not all insurance companies carry renter’s insurance, but Laine Insurance in Pueblo, CO does. What should you know about renter’s insurance?
What’s Protected By Renter’s Insurance?
Violent storms can strike anywhere at any time. They can cause damage from lightning or rain. Pipes leak and break. Natural disasters such as earthquakes might loosen something up. This could cause damage. We don’t need to tell you about things coming out of left field causing damage to your home.
If you can’t live in your home because of a natural disaster or fire damage, the renter’s insurance kicks in to help until your residence is again habitable. If your sister or your friend were staying with you at the time, their medical bills would be handled. You’d be protected by personal liability. Of course, your personal belongings will be covered.
Does Colorado Require Renter’s Insurance?
No, nor do the states in which Laine Insurance works: Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. A landlord isn’t responsible for the loss of your personal belongings. While disaster striking might not be your fault, you’d be on the hall without the renter’s insurance.
What About Customized Coverage?
Not all insurance covers everything. For some items, you’ll need a “rider” attached to your policy. This extra protection is for eventualities like water damage from a sump pump that backed water up into your home. It’s for expensive items such as jewels or artworks that exceed the limits of the original renter’s insurance policy. You’ll want extra protection for these items, especially if you bring new ones.
Final Thoughts
Protect yourself from the vagaries of life and nature. Call us the Laine Insurance office in Pueblo, CO for a no-obligation quote on renter’s insurance.